Water & Wastewater Testing Price List

Price List Water and Wastewater

Alkalinity 30.00
Aluminum, ICP/MS 50.00
Ammonia 38.00
Antimony, ICP/MS 50.00
Arsenic, ICP/MS or GFAA50.00
Arsenic Speciation, Total As, Soluble
As, As+3, As+5
Asbestos 350.00
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 60.00
Barium, ICP/MS 50.00
Beryllium, ICP/MS 50.00
Cadmium, ICP/MS 50.00
Calcium, AA Flame 40.00
Calcium, ICP/MS 50.00
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 45.00
Chloride 40.00
Chromium, ICP/MS 50.00
Chromium Hexavalent 175.00
Chlorine Residual 20.00
Conductivity 25.00
Copper, ICP/MS50.00
Coliform Bacteria 75.00
Corrosivity (Langlier Saturation Index) 150.00
Cyanide 125.00
Detergents 95.00
E. Coli (MPN) 90.00
Fecal Coliform (MPN) 90.00
Fluoride 50.00
Glycols (Ethylene and/or Propylene) 350.00
HAA5's 350.00
Hardness, Calcium + Magnesium, Flame AA 75.00
Heterotrophic Plate Count 75.00
Iron, AA Flame25.00
Iron, ICP/MS50.00
Lead, ICP/MS or GFAA 50.00
Magnesium, AA Flame 40.00
Magnesium, ICP/MS 50.00
Manganese, AA Flame 40.00
Metals Digestion 35.00
Mercury 85.00
Nickel, ICP/MS 50.00
Nitrate 50.00
Nitrite 40.00
Nitrate + Nitrite 50.00
Oil & Grease, EPA 1664 175.00
VOC's (regulated and unregulated) 395.00
BTEX 275.00
MTBE 275.00
Oxygen, Dissolved (DO) 25.00
pH 20.00
PFAS Method 537 395.00
PFAS Method 533485.00
Phase II Contaminants 1200.00
Phase II & V Contaminants*1750.00
Phase II & V Metals 475.00
Phosphorus, Ortho 35.00
Phosphorus, Total 40.00
Potassium 50.00
Short-term Gross Alpha195.00
Radium 226295.00
Radium 228295.00
Radon in water 125.00
Selenium, ICP/MS 50.00
Silica 50.00
Silver, ICP/MS50.00
Sodium, AA Flame 35.00
Sulfate 40.00
Sulfide 35.00
Dissolved 35.00
Percent Solids 50.00
Settable 35.00
Suspended 38.50
Total 38.50
Volatile 40.00
Temperature 15.00
Thallium, ICP/MS 50.00
TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) 85.00
TOC (Total Organic Carbon) 150.00
TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) 175.00
Trihalomethanes (THMs) 250.00
Turbidity 25.00
Zinc, ICP/MS 50.00

* Excludes diquat, endothal, glyphosphate, dioxin and asbestos which are not required in Maryland.

Field sampling/courier service is $150.00/site. Call or email sales@wtlmd.com for a quote on composite sampling, confined space entry and other sampling services

We are drinking water and wastewater testing specialists serving Maryland, Northern Virginia, Delaware and Washington DC.